Monday, January 25, 2016

Version 0.3! A look back.

Beneath A Rocky Earth officially enters version 0.3 (still not yet released to the public).

In this version, code for the scenes has been improved. Objects are starting to get into swing, and a full renaming of the files and functions currently in place is underway for organization.

The aesthetic of the whole game has been improved, and while it may not be as professional looking as TiTs or FoE, I'm currently happy with what I've achieved for a noob.

 In light of reaching the fifth (aesthetic) iteration of the game, I'm posting a few of the pictures of the journey so far.

More than anything, I'd just like to say that if you're new to programming and you're thinking of making your own game, do it! That period of looking at a blank screen and not knowing what to do next passes soon enough, and most of beginner level programming is nothing more than googling every little problem and idea you have.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Version 0.2!

Beneath A Rocky Earth officially enters version 0.2 (not yet released to the public).

In this version, scenes are finally working the way they're supposed to. While objects haven't yet been properly utilized, they are on the agenda for next version.

While it may look incredibly simple at this point, the fact is that to build a sandcastle for the first time requires many failures, and many "I can do that better" moments. As well as many long hours finding the right beach, rebuilding when you find out you're too close to the tide, and finally dealing with the runaway dog that comes and crashes through your efforts.

I'm happy with what I've achieved so far. I know what it took, and I know how far I've come.

The sea ahead is no longer an endless expanse. I know there's a port awaiting me somewhere beyond the horizon. \o/

Test Post Title

Test post. For testing, and posting, purposes.